Planning to drop the idea of being a pilot just because you have prescription glasses?
Stick to your dream! Travel across the globe above the clouds even with glasses. We are here to debunk the myth – ‘cannot be a pilot with glasses’.
Framesbuy offers extensive range of stylish and latest collections of pilot glasses or aviator glasses. All you need to have a proper vision correction. That’s it!
Still, have questions? Let us answer them all. Keep reading!
What are the medical requirements for vision correction to be a pilot?
One can be a commercial, military or even an amateur pilot with proper vision correction. In the commercial aviation business, pilots undergo a CASA Class 1 medical clearance test. In such a test, the ideal score must be 20/20.
FAA or The Federal Aviation Administration) applies certain protocols for commercial aviation. According to the FAA, pilots may have refractive errors and can wear prescription glasses while on board. Besides, experts also recommend wearing progressive lenses or multifocal glasses for crystal clear vision at all distances.
Furthermore, FAA also suggests that pilots should carry an extra pair of lenses or glasses in case of emergencies. If a person is suffering from a monovision prescription, he/she wouldn’t be able to take off the flight. Monovision is an eye disorder. In this one eye has a near vision issue and another eye has a distant vision issue.
Is depth perception important to fly an airplane?
Yes, this is of utmost importance. Pilots should have accurate and excellent depth perception otherwise the chances for accidents will increase. Depth perception is the ability to correctly judge the distance of any object from you. It might not be exactly in numbers but tentative judgment should be accurate. This is a very crucial factor that a medical examiner will check without fail.
What are the vision requirements for a military pilot?
Joining the military is one of the toughest tasks. The rules are quite stringent and strictly followed.
The United States Air Force prescribes the maximum incorrect vision without glasses can be 20/70. It can’t be greater than that. And with glasses, the corrected vision is 20/20. Plus there is also a ceiling set for prescriptions. The maximum refractive errors could not be more than +8.00 diopters and lower than -8.00 diopters.
No matter whether its about commercial or military pilot, the color vision must be normal.
Can a pilot wear contact lenses?
Yes, they can!
Provided, they do not feel uncomfortable or lack of visual clarity. As they might need to keep those on for twice as long as the flight or duty period. But to be safe, pilots must keep an extra pair of glasses. Additionally, they also need to pass the necessary eyesight test with glasses on after removing contact lenses.
You can be pilot for sure if you fulfil the following conditions. Must have prescription not more than 20/70, 20/20 vision, normal color vision, or perfect depth perception. Also, different wings of the military set different requirements for vision correction.
We have wide-ranging glasses to flaunt your style while flying an Airplane.

Aviator Glasses
Iconic eyewear for the classic lover.