Fashion Tips

Hipster Glasses - Bold Trend with Unconventional Feel

Hipster Glasses – Bold Trend with Unconventional Feel

The hippy trend is all about blending the vintage style with your own creativity. In hipster culture, fashion is more prominently noticed, whether it is clothing or accessorising, everything spells uniqueness and ‘I don’t care a damn’ attitude. Hipsters don’t…

Celebrities Who Look Different and Slay with Glasses

“Guys don’t make passes on girls who wear glasses” Well, this statement is so not true, especially after seeing so many hot celebs embracing this vision accessory. Some opt for contacts while some still grace their face with glasses and…

Glasses Become a Fashion Accessory

When and How did Glasses Become a Fashion Accessory?

The idea of wearing glasses was certainly shunned until it became a style statement and was seen paraded in international fashion shows. It’s no more a medical need, it’s a style need. The dreary vision correcting machine revamped surprisingly into…

Eye-catching Make-up

Eye-catching Make-up Tricks for Eyeglass Wearers

Don’t hide your beauty behind the frames! Just wear right make-up and let your face shine even with glasses. Wearing glasses can completely change your look and so accordingly the way of make-up will change. Spec wearers instantly grab attention…

Eyeglasses Shopping Tips for Men

Eyeglasses Shopping Tips for Men

Shopping??? Yeah, we know how much men are unfriendly with this activity. But when it comes to safety and grooming, shopping is probably a need. No doubt, clothes, shoes, watch are indispensible. But apart from these, even eyeglasses play a…