
switch to high index glasses

No More Thick Glasses: Switch to High-Index Glasses

You must have heard about coke-bottle glasses? These are synonymous with thick lens glasses, which were referred to as strong prescription glasses. In earlier days people considered these glasses to be beneficial for the eyes. But are they comforting? Absolutely…

What is an Eye Twitch

Myokymia: Why You have that Annoying Eye Twitch

Most of us have experienced eye flickering before. The occasional twitch mostly due to tiredness isn’t painful and disappears very soon. But what happens when you have the eyelid twitch for an extended time on a busy day. Though mostly…

Blue Light Revealed

Myths and Facts about Blue Light REVEALED!

Probably, it’s apparent till now that how digital devices are affecting our health, especially eye health. Digital eye strain has become one of the most widespread medical conditions. The harmful blue light emitted from the screens affect the quality of…


Is Astigmatism Dangerous?

Astigmatism – Sounds like a big scientific term or a serious disease, isn’t it? Neither an eye disease nor a dreadful vision problem, astigmatism is just a refractive error caused due to irregular shaped lens and can be easily corrected.…

Contact and Specs

Tangled Between Laser, Contacts and Specs?

In this tech-savvy era, approximately seventy-five percent population has an eyesight problem, at present vision is a big concern, as eyes are our most important sensory organ. Till date, science have not found any medicine to eradicate authentic deterioration of…

Online Eyeglasses Store

Online Eyeglasses Store is Oh-so Popular

More than a vision correction tool, eyeglasses have become a fashion accessory. Your eye prescription might not change that often but eye fashion trend is absolutely inconstant, it keeps on changing. Online eyewear stores have definitely helped the fashion conscious…